QuestionsSubstitute second part of new born's name for add missing element
Boon asked 3 years ago

My wife consulted a master in Beijing and the master uses I’Ching to get some names for our son.
We like this one 增翊 which is Zeng Yi from his shortlist.
My mum knows abit of Bazi and found my new born son needs some water elements and suggested a different Yi which has water element.
Went back to master and master said it does not work that day in the book of changes.

Is I’Ching same or better or worst than Bazi?
Can we just change the substitute to another Yi with water?
Can we stick with the I’Ching calculated name?

1 Answers
Suzhong Consulting Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi and thank you for your question!
Yijing is not better or worse than Bazi Astrology. They are simply different methodologies, used for different purposes. Yijing is used for Divination, while Bazi Astrology is used to analyze a person’s life path and destiny. Rather than mixing things up, I’d stick with the name your Master gave you. It will not have an impact on your child’s destiny (that would require a change of birth date and time).